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Busy Season Is Here. Time to make it easy

Jonathan Womack, CPA & Michael W. Zimmerman Jr, CPA
January 19, 2025

Said no one ever! How's yours really going?? With audit season in full swing - we’re ready to help you crush it! 💪

A few tips we've learned from going through our own:

➡️ Take plenty of well-being breaks.

➡️ Lean on your team - the success of an audit doesn't rest on one person's shoulders alone. If it does - there's a problem with your staffing.

➡️ Take it day-by-day. How do you eat an elephant? 🐘 One bite at a time.

➡️ Approach your work from a risk perspective. What are the highest areas of audit risk? Don't procrastinate. Start with (and focus on) those!

We'll touch on each of these over the coming weeks. And we want to hear from YOU.

For this week - let's start with your your approach to journal entry testing.

❓ The bad news? It can be difficult. It is inherently risky (a fraud detection procedure that requires large data sets) and is required by GAAS.

❓ The good news? SAS 99 allows for auditors' judgment. And Audit Sight has just the tools to help. 

With Audit Sight, journal entry testing becomes faster, smarter, and stress-free.

Why Life Is Better with Audit Sight:

Upload Your Way: Any way you get data, we can process it using our file uploads, Audi Sight templates, direct connectors or Data Conversion Services

Slice Through Complexity: Effortlessly split batch entries and identify reversing entries

Automate Completeness Testing: No more manual rolling the ledger—ensure your journal entries are complete and accurate as required by SAS 99.

Unusual Rev & Exp testing: Quickly pinpoint unusual revenue and expense entries.

🌟 NEW: Client Connection Support Page We’ve launched a dedicated support page to answer your clients’ questions about data connections. From troubleshooting to step-by-step guides, it’s all in one place: Visit the Client Connection Guides ➡️

And don’t worry! 🎉 You can still upload your general ledger using our file upload option, and we’ve provided step-by-step instructions to make the process simple for your clients.

See How It Works ➡️ Login

Let’s make this audit season the easiest one yet,

The Audit Sight Team 💼

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